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The Waynesboro Project

Creating affordable housing while mentoring young adults in Waynesboro City, Augusta and Nelson Counties, Virginia

Our First Project - All Natural Handcrafted Soap

The Waynesboro Project has begun with a handmade soap venture as we teach a couple of young ladies how to determine if there is a market for such a business. This is a simple enough venture that involves all the elements for analysis that are necessary to prepare a viable business plan. The young entrepreneurs have to determine manufacturing costs, packaging and shipping costs, marketing costs, production labor and sales volumes necessary to make the business viable. As we are working on composing a business plan for such an adventure, we have tried a couple of recipes for all natural soaps in order to calculate those element values.
Aloe Vera and Bay Rum Soaps
If anyone is interested in helping us teach these young ladies what is involved in starting a business, regardless of whether it is a soap business or some other creative project idea, you could buy a bar or two of our first prototype soaps. I have already tried these soaps myself, along with my wife and a couple of our helpful friends, and we have all found these soaps to be truly wonderful. Desert Gold Soap Initial discoveries during our prototype runs have indicated that these young ladies might be able to have a profitable business by pricing the bars for sale at around $4.75 each. That price includes Virginia sales tax but does not include shipping. We guarantee you will be very well pleased with these soaps and will hopefully be coming back for more.

We can accept PayPal and all major credit cards for immediate purchase, as well as a mailed-in check with our order form. You can print and fill out the order form here. You may right-click on the link and choose "Save link as..." to save the order form back to your computer for printing later when you might not be able to be online to retrieve it. You can also bring the order form back up from your computer's hard drive and fill it out with Adobe's Acrobat Reader or other free PDF reader's comment tools. Just add text comments into any places on the form as needed and save the form after adding your comments. If you do that, you can e-mail the order form to me by attaching it to your e-mail. That is not necessary if you want to pay with PayPal or a credit card through PayPal. All you have to do is e-mail me a message telling me what you want and the address to send it to, and I'll send you an invoice that you can pay with or through PayPal. I'll ship the order to your verified PayPal registered address and also immediately acknowledge your order so you know that I received it.

That order process will only be necessary temporarily. We will soon have easy buttons for you to click to place your order as well as pay for it with your credit card or PayPal account. For now, you will need to either call your order in to me and give me your credit card information over the phone (do NOT send any credit card information to me by an unencrypted insecure e-mail or fax), or just give me your email address and what you want. I'll email you an invoice you can pay from your own PayPal account directly to us without ever giving us any of your financial information.

We, at DBM Enterprises, Inc., have been taking credit card orders by phone for decades, and never allow your credit card information to be disclosed to anyone or used for any purpose other than the immediate order you place. The only time we save any credit card information is when someone wants to set up a recurring payment for a repeating order such as "send 4 bars of soap each month on the second Monday of the month." No one has placed such a repeating order for soap so far, but you may after you try it if you like. I hope you try some soon!

Jay Altman, Founder

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