Waynesboro City Logo

The Waynesboro Project

Creating affordable housing while mentoring young adults in Waynesboro City, Augusta and Nelson Counties, Virginia

Affordable Housing by The Waynesboro Project

The Waynesboro Project will be focusing on developing affordable housing in the central Virginia and Shenandoah Valley areas as our main project. Our primary purpose for creating the Waynesboro Project is to teach entrepreneurship to young adults who don't have the opportunity or inclination to go on to college after graduating from high school, or who may not have even graduated from high school. We want to help these young adults develop their natural talents and creativity, as well as any necessary skills to put those talents and skills to use in their own entrepreneurial endeavours. The affordable housing project could be a helpful force enabling new businesses to support it, as well as many other small businesses to be formed and owned by these young adults.

We are also intending to utilize this web page as a learning project for any young adults that have an interest in computers and/or web development, so this page is currently just a quick outline of what it will become. The first young lady joining the Waynesboro Project came on board just before the 4th of July.

Return to this web page periodically to see what it becomes as The Waynesboro Project progresses.

Anyone wishing to contribute to The Waynesboro Project or get more information about us should Click Here to send me an e-mail. Be sure to add your phone number in your message if you would like for me to call you to discuss your thoughts, questions and ideas you describe in your message.

Any young person interested in participating in a mentored individual or group project should also inquire by e-mail. Just Click Here. Anyone with skills and interests they would like to develop, even if the only thing they have at the moment is an idea, is welcome to apply. There will be no cost to participate, and no time away from any current job you may have will be required. We will be able to schedule all meetings and events around any current work or school schedules to suit your individual needs. This will be our way of giving back to the community. Gender, race, ethnicity, and marital status are irrelevant to participation in our project.

Jay Altman, Founder

Bookmark this page and re-visit us from time to time to see how we are doing in the future.Also browse our other project pages to see what we have planned and started.